How We Serve You and What to Expect When You Come Into the Office

Dr. Truman utilizes Motion Palpation, Diversified, Network Spinal Analysis, and Activator Techniques to deliver exceptional care tailored to each individual patient that he cares for! Dr. Truman is also an ICPA Webster Certified Practitioner. He strives for specific adjustments that treat subluxation of the spine and create an environment in which the Nervous System can flourish and learn to be the most powerful and beautiful expression of itself, allowing the bodies innate intelligence to take over and YOU live life how it is supposed to be lived!

How Dr. Truman Morin Approaches Care 

Dr. Truman starts each new patient exam with a warm smile and gets a detailed history to dig in to the root of the issue that brought you in. After determining that you are a good candidate for chiropractic care and determining there are no red flags in the patient history, we do a Physical exam. The exam includes evaluation of posture and biomechanical integrity of the spine through Range of Motion assessment and performing any orthopedic or neurological exams that may be necessary in creating a working diagnosis.

Dr. Truman places extremely high levels of importance on the Nervous System and wants to be precise and accurate with every adjustment he gives which in some cases will require X-Rays to be taken as well as part of the initial exam. Through the History given, Exam performed, and X-Rays taken, Dr. Truman is committed to creating a care plan that is tailored to your EXACT needs so that we can get you back to living your best life with a Nervous System capable of adapting and healing the way it was intended to… WITHOUT INTERFERENCE.

Dr. Truman likes to look at the information so that he can create your exact care plan but, an adjustment after the exam is offered so that you can start getting relief the day you come in.

Day One: New Patient Exam 

Dr. Truman will see you on your second visit with a comprehensive Report of Findings that will summarize everything found during the exam as well as X-Ray findings if X-Rays were taken. This is where he will breakdown with you any exercises that he thinks may be helpful in speeding up recovery, the cost of care, the expected visit total and the frequency with which he would like to see you, and a time where you can ask him any questions or concerns you may have that he can clarify before starting with your care. From there it is back to wellness and back to a life where we are THRIVING!

Happy Healing and we cannot wait to take care of you and yours!

-Dr. Truman

Day Two: On the Path to Wellness 

Quick Notes:

  • Webster Certified

  • Pediatric and Neurodivergent Populations are Dr. Truman’s passion

  • Both Traditional and Tonal Chiropractic Techniques are used to deliver the highest quality care

Quick Notes:

  • Quick, Efficient, and Thorough

  • Comprehensive Physical Exam explaining and clarifying any questions you may have.

  • Post Exam relief treatment is offered before care plan starts

Quick Notes:

  • Comprehensive Breakdown of Care Plan, Cost of Care, and X-Ray findings

  • Specific goals for care set based on YOU

  • Your path to Wellness starts here!